PWSA Project No.: 2020-325-106-1
Status: Closed
Proposal Due Date: December 16, 2021, at 2:00 PM
PWSA is requesting bids for the replacement and upsizing of the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority(PWSA) public water system including water mains, valves, service connections, and hydrants as required or directed. In addition to the water main work, various existing catch basins located adjacent to the work areas will be replaced, buried sewer manholes will be raised to grade, and new sewer manholes will be installed.
This project is being federally funded by EPA financial assistance dollars and therefore requires all contractors to demonstrate compliance with federal Executive Orders 11625, 12138, and 12432 and EPA Regulations at 40 CFR Part 33, through the detailed documentation of solicitation of Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBEs). Contractors must demonstrate the Six Good Faith Efforts to identify and solicit DBE firms that are potential sources for any procurement action in the areas of project construction, equipment, services, and supplies by including state qualified small businesses, and minority and women owned business enterprises in the bidding process.