PWSA Project No.: 2018-GI-108-0
Status: Closed
Proposal Due Date: March 25, 2021 at 2:00 PM
Description: PWSA is requesting bids for the Demolition, Removal, and Replacement of a portion of the existing private storm sewer as owned by Chatham University, and modification to the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) public combined sewer facilities on the Chatham property as required or directed. Work of the Contract includes the installation of underground stormwater storage system and associated landscaping plan for surface "dry" creek bed (wet only during rain events). This includes excavation work, protecting existing utilities, installation of underdrain piping and flow control structures, installation of modular stormwater storage, connections into existing manhole structures and catch basins, installation of new manholes and catch basins, and roadway milling and paving. Work also includes landscape and planting improvements as well as existing tree protection.