PWSA Project No.: 2020-323-100-1
Status: Closed
Proposal Due Date: June 16, 2022 at 2:00 PM
Description: PWSA is requesting bids for Lincoln Pump Station: Bypass Pump Station – General Contract. Work of the General Contract includes the furnishing, installation, disinfection, testing, and startup of a temporary prefabricated water booster pump station of the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) Lincoln Pump Station location. The General Contract will be required to furnish and install in place the temporary pump station enclosure, suction and discharge piping from the package station to the existing above ground connections, as well as the controls enclosure including all required electrical and controls equipment needed to furnish the pump station system as a standalone system fully tested and operational prior to delivery on site. Site work preparation including the removal of existing bollards, site leveling, install and compaction of crushed aggregates, and the furnishing and installation of fencing around the temporary pump station site where shown on drawings.