We will complete targeted lead service lines replacements with a prioritization model that removes lead in drinking water for our most vulnerable populations.
Lead Service Line Replacement Approaches
Neighborhood Lead Line Replacement Projects: We target all lead lines in a geographic space, passing over non-lead service lines. When a private service line is made of lead, we will work with the property owner to replace the line at no direct cost.
Water main + lead service line replacement: This annual program targets aging water mains that also show high concentrations of lead lines attached. You can read more about this program on our Water Main Replacement Program page.
We have also replaced lead lines at all daycare facilities within our water service area as part of our Priority Lead Line Replacement program in 2022.
Lead Line Map
The map below displays the best available information on the location of lead service lines in our water system. The information on the map comes from a combination of historical property data, construction records and results from curb box inspections. The map also shows where we have already replaced lead lines and where we plan to replace lead lines.
Instructions on how to use the map below.
See a full-size version of the lead map.
The portion of the water service line that is public and owned by us runs from the water main in the street to the “curb box” (water service shutoff valves, usually located in the sidewalk between the water main and the building). The remainder of the line that connects from the curb stop to the building is considered private property.
Disclaimer: The maps provided by the Pittsburgh Water are based on historical data, service line inspections or both. Pittsburgh Water does not guarantee the accuracy of these records and maps, which shall be used for the sole purpose of providing property owners and residents with the best available data regarding lead service lines, and not for any commercial, legal or other use. These records will be updated as we gather additional information. We reserve the right to alter, amend or terminate at any time the display of these maps and records. If you think the information we have for your service line is incorrect, please fill our our brief survey.
How is a service line replaced?
Crews will start the process by going to each property and inspecting the service line material at every property. This will help determine which sites have lead service lines that need replaced.
If both a private and public lead service line is found at a property, the Lead Help Desk will reach out and set a coordination meeting with the property owner to discuss the replacement methods and schedule a replacement date. If a customer has a public lead service line, it will be replaced at no cost and no coordinate meeting is needed.
The next step of the process is to replace the lead service line with a non-lead material. We request that the property owner or a designated representative be present on this day. We will provide a lead pitcher filter and cartridges, as well as flushing instructions, after replacement.
The final step of the project is restoration of streets and sidewalks. You can expect a delay between the completion of your service line replacement and restoration activities.
Daily Schedule
January 23, 2025
Squirrel Hill
Brighton Heights
Spring Hill-City View
- 10 blk. Bly Street
- 1800 blk. Rhine Street
- 100 blk. Royal Street
- 1st blk. Woessner Avenue
Perry South
Mount Washington
Upper Lawrenceville
- 5100 blk. Keystone Street
South Side Flats
Current Lead Line Replacement Neighborhoods
Perry South
249 locations will be inspected and where lead is found, it will be replaced at no cost to the customer.
Work began in late August.
Spring Hill-City View
237 locations will be inspected and where lead is found, it will be replaced at no cost to the customer.
Work began in mid-November
Upper Lawrenceville
372 locations will be inspected and where lead is found, it will be replaced at no cost to the customer.
Work began in mid-November
Southside Slopes
181 locations will be inspected and where lead is found, it will be replaced at no cost to the customer.
Work began in late-October.
355 locations will be inspected and where lead is found, it will be replaced at no cost to the customer.
Work began in mid-August
Mount Washington
369 locations will be inspected and where lead is found, it will be replaced at no cost to the customer.
Work began in mid-August
199 locations will be inspected and where lead is found, it will be replaced at no cost to the customer
Work will begin in January 2025.
Upcoming Lead Line Replacement Neighborhoods
In the next few months or so, we will begin lead service line replacements in portions of the following neighborhoods:
- Southside Flats
- Millvale
- Central Northside
- Perry North
Future project areas include:
- Elliott
As work progresses, more neighborhoods will be announced. To view all lead line replacement work and see what your service line is made of, visit our Lead Map.
For lead service line replacement questions, contact the Lead Help Desk at 412-255-8987 or email LeadHelp@pgh2o.com.
For more information on construction progress, contact Construction Communications Project Manager, Mora McLaughlin, at 412-689-4137 or at mmclaughlin@pgh2o.com.