Check Your Water Usage

Our Customer Advantage Portal is a free tool that helps customers track their water usage and receive alerts when there is a spike in water usage. Setting usage alerts can help you detect costly water leaks in your property.

Common Questions

How can I enroll in the Customer Advantage Portal?

If you have an existing account with us, you will see your usage information in our Customer Advantage Portal. Just log in to your account or sign up today.

How can I track my water usage on the portal?

The online portal displays daily water usage updates on a dashboard. The dashboard shows the gallons of water used in the billing cycle, information about billing cycles, the status of your water usage threshold, and water usage alerts. 

What type of water usage alerts can I sign up for?

You can set up text message and/or email alerts for when your current water usage is higher than your average usage. These alerts are based on the usage thresholds that you set. You can set up alerts for daily usage, billing cycle usage, and vacation alerts for when you are out of town and want to monitor for any possible leaks or unauthorized usage. 

Can I add multiple users to receive usage alerts?

You can add multiple users to receive alerts. This feature makes it possible for an entire household, or tenants of a rental property, to be aware of their water usage.

Where does the water usage information come from?

The online water usage portal uses our advanced metering infrastructure technology. 

Each of our water customers has a meter that tracks usage, usually located in the basement. That meter is wired to a transponder placed on the outside of the building. The transponder communicates via radio frequency with receivers placed on our elevated infrastructure, such as water towers. That information is then transmitted to us, so we can accurately apply water usage to our bills. 

We have used advanced metering infrastructure for several years to exchange data with water meters frequently and remotely. The Customer Advantage Portal allows our customers to see the same data that our billing professionals do.

What if I have additional questions?

Please call our Customer Service at 412-255-2423 (press 5) or email