It is important to understand how your monthly bill is invested in your community. Our work to maintain and renew our water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure is made of operating expenses and capital expenses.
Operating expenses include routine maintenance and repair work that allows the water and sewer system to run smoothly. Our operating budget funds things like water and sewer main repairs, catch basin cleaning, water treatment chemicals, vehicles, and employee salaries.
Given the age of our water system, investing in maintenance is not enough. For this reason, we have a capital improvement plan to replace and upgrade our infrastructure, ensuring reliable service to our customers now and in the future. Our plan lays out the specific projects and their estimated costs for the coming years. This is a prioritized roadmap for designing and building the major projects that our ratepayer dollars fund.
2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan
Pittsburgh Water's Capital Improvement Program focuses on sustaining cost‐effective operations, while optimizing the system's asset performance and life expectancy. The 2024‐2028 Capital Improvement Program invests in programs which consider risk and consequence of asset failure and levels of service benefits.
Read the full 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan.
2030 Plan
In 2018, we created a 12-year, organizational roadmap to share our vision and goals for the water, sewer, and stormwater system. The 2030 Plan includes key projects, financial strategies, and a message from our Executive Director sharing his plans for leadership during this new chapter of our history.