If you have a credit on your account, please submit the information in the webform below, or call Customer Service for assistance at 412-255-2423 (Press 5).
You can also print out this Application for Refund and email the completed form to info@pgh2o.com.
If the credit was the result of an overpayment, please mail the completed Application for Refund and attach a copy of the front and back of the check that created the credit.
You can mail the completed form to:
Pittsburgh Water
ATTN: Customer Service
1200 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Refunds under $500.00 require a minimum of four to six (4-6) weeks for processing. Refunds of $500.00 and greater require six to eight (6-8) weeks for processing.
The refund check will be issued to the name and address indicated on the form.