Request a Lead Test Kit

To request a kit, fill out the form below or contact the Lead Help Desk at or 412-255-8987. Please include your name, mailing address, and phone number with your request.

Kits are only for Pittsburgh Water customers. If you are a PA American Water or Wilkinsburg- Penn Joint Customer, please contact their customer service departments for lead testing. PA American Water can be reached at 1-800-565-7292 and Wilkinsburg-Penn Joint at 412-243-6200

Allow 10-14 business days from the time of your request for your kit to arrive via mail. The kit includes pre-paid return shipping to the laboratory. Results take approximately 4-6 weeks for processing and will be shared via mail or email.

If your test comes back with elevated lead levels, a free water filter pitcher certified to remove lead will be provided.

Information message

*Required Fields
*Your Name
*Property Address
The property address must match the location where the test is taken. 
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