Stewart Avenue Stormwater Improvements Project

In Planning Stormwater

In partnership with the City of Pittsburgh, we are planning a stormwater and roadway improvements project to address flooding issues at and around Stewart Avenue in the Carrick neighborhood.

Progress & Status

Design Complete

The PWSA project team presented to the community on February 16th. You can view the presentation here.

The project area drains to the Saw Mill Run stream, which is overwhelmed during most rain events. Therefore, stormwater detention and/or green infrastructure measures will be prioritized during design.

Project Components

  • Design and install infrastructure to help manage stormwater flows that are impacting private properties and the Saw Mill Run stream
  • Prioritize stormwater detention and/or other green infrastructure systems where peak flows from the watershed can potentially be captured and managed
  • Design and install roadway improvements to enhance both road surface quality and drainage


Additional design considerations have been made after meeting with members of the community in February 2023:

  • Roadway improvements will be made on Fame Way to manage stormwater flows.
  • Esther Way will be re-sloped to manage stormwater flows and avoid overland flooding on private property.

Locations & Schedule

Location Details:
Carrick neighborhood

Start Date: Design started Spring 2022. Construction expected to start June 2024.

Completion Date: Design expected complete January 2024.

Map of the Stewart Avenue project area within the Carrick neighborhood

Stewart Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15227
United States

Project Contacts

If you have questions, please contact the Project Manager

Project Manager :
Maria Natoli
412-255-8800 ext 2604