Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority (PWSA) is tasked with one, critical function: to support our region by protecting public health and the environment through the delivery of safe and reliable water services with a commitment to future generations.
You can have confidence that the water you rely on for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene has a clean bill of health. Our most recent round of routine lead testing at homes still served by lead service lines shows historically low detection levels, meaning that adding orthophosphate to our treatment process is effective and protects our customers from the risk of lead in drinking water.
We’re on our way towards our goal of replacing all lead service lines in our water distribution system. Last year, we reached a major milestone in this priority area, celebrating the replacement of our 10,000th public lead service line. To date, we've replaced more than 11,000 public lead service lines and are approaching 8,000 private replacements at no direct cost to customers.
This commitment to “getting the lead out” has brought us national attention, including an invitation to speak at a White House event and lend our expertise to an initiative to help accelerate lead removal in other U.S. communities.
In addition to removing lead lines and finding record low levels of lead in Pittsburgh’s drinking water, we're also increasing education and outreach to the community about everything that goes into keeping your drinking water safe.
As stewards of an essential public resource, we operate within the strict requirements of the law and with high ethical and professional standards. Our Environmental Compliance team has grown to nine professionals from a variety of backgrounds, all led by Frank Sidari, Chief Environmental Compliance and Ethics Officer. This team is responsible for our ever-growing Environmental Compliance and Ethics Program, including the deployment of annual training and overseeing day-to-day compliance with environmental rules, regulations, and permits.