This winter, we embarked on the second phase of projects within our Water Reliability Plan (WRP), a series of once-in-a-generation projects that will modernize our water distribution system and provide customers with more secure and reliable water services.
Upon completion, the Highland Reservoir Pump Station and Rising Main Project, a $47 million investment, will replace the existing pump station and the surrounding large diameter water mains, or what we refer to as “rising mains.” These are the pipes that carry water to our customers.
Work began in December with preliminary sewer upgrades in the area that will facilitate the rest of the project. Phase I will construct new water mains leading from the Highland II Reservoir and from the pump station out into the system.
Phase II, beginning in spring of this year, will include demolition of the old 4-million-gallon-per-day (MGD) pump station and construction of a new, 56 MGD station that will serve thousands of Pittsburgh residents and serve us for at least 30 more years. These new pieces of infrastructure will add resiliency and redundancy to our water system for years to come. Construction on both phases of work are anticipated to be complete in 2025.
The launch of this project comes off the heels of the recent reinstatement of our Highland II Reservoir, another key project in our WRP.
To read more about this project and other WRP efforts, please visit our Water Reliability Plan webpage.