Applying for this Program
By applying below, you may qualify for Pittsburgh Water and its contractors to perform the repairs required to the portion of the water service line that you own. Please review and return this Agreement as soon as possible. You must sign and return the Agreement to receive a repair to your private water service line and/or installation of water saving devices. If you do not return a signed Agreement and your water service line continues to leak, Pittsburgh Water may assess a daily charge or provide notice to terminate water service until you have the water service line repaired at your expense. After we receive the signed Agreement, one of Pittsburgh Water’s representatives will contact you to begin the repair process by scheduling an inspection of the leaking pipe(s) and/or device(s) inside your property.
You can also submit the completed Line Repair and Conservation Pilot Program Agreement via mail or email to:
Pittsburgh Water
ATTN: Department of Customer Service, PGH2O Cares
1200 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
What to Expect
If you allow Pittsburgh Water to repair the portion of the water service line which you own, Pittsburgh Water’s contractors will need to enter your property. First, before the repair, one of Pittsburgh Water’s contractors will perform an on-site, pre-repair estimate to determine the costs to repair your leaking water service line and install water saving devices. If the costs are determined to be within the Pilot Program budget, and the leaks are deemed to be on exposed pipe and/or in devices covered under the Pilot Program, repair work will be conducted during that initial visit. Please note that if your property is deferred due to health and safety issues with the property, you will be referred to local, state and/or federal programs that may perform repairs.
During the repair itself, Pittsburgh Water’s contractors will need to enter your property to repair any exposed plumbing and install any water saving devices, including low flow showerheads, low flow toilets, and faucet aerators. Please note that any unexposed plumbing is not within the scope of repair. The contractor will also provide you with education on conservation within your home and facilitate your mandatory enrollment into Pittsburgh Water’s Customer Advantage portal with enabled leak alerts. All plumbing repairs, device installations and devices will come with a warranty period of one year. The not to exceed cost of these services for your property is One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Six Dollars ($1,356.00).
During the repair itself, Pittsburgh Water’s contractors will need to enter your property for several hours. You will need to arrange for an adult, 18 years old or older, to be present during this time.
Pittsburgh Water’s contractors will make every effort to minimize disruption to your property. If the internal, main shut-off valve is not able to be operated, Pittsburgh Water will attempt to shut off water service at the curb stop valve outside of your property so that the contractor can make the leak repairs. You will then be responsible to hire a private plumber to repair and/or replace the internal shut valve unless that device is leaking and has been identified as part of the scope of repair work to be performed by Pittsburgh Water’s contractor.
Please note that Pittsburgh Water is not responsible for restoring private property that may be disrupted during the water service line repairs. Remember, before any repair starts, you may opt out of the portion of the water service line repair that takes place on your private property. However, if you do not repair your private water service line, you will be forfeiting free leak repairs and/or the installation of water saving devices, and Pittsburgh Water may assess a daily charge for each day the waste of water continues or, in Pittsburgh Water’s discretion, give notice to terminate water service to your property until the leaking pipe(s) and/or device(s) inside your property is repaired at your expense in order to protect the occupants of your property and/or the public.
Authorization Agreement
Pittsburgh Water is offering certain property owners repair of their private water service lines and/or installation of water saving devices at no cost to the property owner.
Under Pittsburgh Water’s Rules and Regulations, the property owner owns and is responsible for the maintenance of that portion of the water service line running from the curb stop and thereafter throughout the property at the premises being served with Pittsburgh Water water. As part of its work, Pittsburgh Water, subject to available funding, will be (1) repairing the portion of the exposed water service line owned by the property owner; and/or (2) installing water saving devices when the property owner signs this Agreement.
Please return your Agreement as soon as possible.
If Pittsburgh Water determines, in its sole discretion, that repair of the portion of the water service line owned by the property owner at a particular property or related interior plumbing modification is: 1) not feasible; 2) safe and secure conditions are not present; or 3) will result in excess expense, Pittsburgh Water may defer such property from the Pilot Program and refer the property to local, state and/or federal programs.
Property owners, or the owner’s legal representative, must give their authorization by signing this Authorization for Repair of Private Water Service Line on Your Property (“Agreement”). The following is a description of the responsibilities of Pittsburgh Water and the property owners who want to have their water service line repaired:
Pittsburgh Water’s Responsibilities:
- As part of its Pilot Program and with the property owner’s signed Agreement, Pittsburgh Water, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, will: 1) repair the exposed water service line, pipe, fixture or appliance at issue; 2) install water saving devices; 3) educate the property owner on conservation within the home; and 4) facilitate enrollment into the Pittsburgh Water Customer Advantage portal which includes enabled leak alerts, all at no cost to the property owner.
- Pittsburgh Water’s contractor will be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits.
- Pittsburgh Water will require the contractor to be insured.
- Pittsburgh Water’s contractor will be responsible for providing all pipe, fittings, miscellaneous material, equipment, tools, and labor to repair the water service line and/or install any water saving devices. All debris will be removed from the work area by Pittsburgh Water’s contractor upon completion of work.
- Before any work begins, Pittsburgh Water’s contractor, will examine the areas of the property that will be disturbed by repair and provide a list of related work that may need to be completed by the property owner prior to or after the water service line repair.
- Pittsburgh Water or its contractor may take interior photos before and after work begins.
- Pittsburgh Water will not be responsible for any damage to the water service line and/or pipe, fixture or appliance at issue and will otherwise have no maintenance responsibility or any other responsibility for the water service line or devices within your property. All repairs, device installations and devices will come with a warranty period of one year.
Property Owner’s Responsibilities:
- Property owner recognizes that during the repair and any maintenance of the water service line there may be an interruption of water service to the property.
- Property owner or designee, at least 18 years of age, must be at the property on the date and time scheduled for the contractor to perform the work.
- Property owner must provide reasonable, safe, secured, lighted, and unencumbered access to the exposed water service line and to the exposed water service piping inside the property, including access to the wall or floor area where the water service line enters the building, and moving any items blocking access such as boxes, furniture, washers, dryers, etc. If the property owner does not provide these accommodations, Pittsburgh Water reserves the right not to complete the water service line repair.
- Restoration of the disturbed area upon completion of the water service line repair, any plumbing modifications, and maintenance is the property owner’s responsibility.
- After repair of the water service line, maintenance of the water service line from the curb stop to the property and any interior plumbing modifications remain the responsibility of the property owner.
I hereby authorize Pittsburgh Water to repair the water service line and install water saving devices in or on my property in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, and I agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
I agree that by signing this Agreement, Pittsburgh Water is permitted, but not obligated, to repair the water service line and install any water saving devices.
I certify that I am the owner, or the legal representative for the owner, of the below service address property and have the legal right and authority to execute this Agreement, and to grant Pittsburgh Water the rights set forth in this Agreement. I hereby grant to Pittsburgh Water and its contractors the license and the right to enter this property and perform such inspections, testing, construction and repairs as determined reasonably necessary for the repair of my water service line and any installation of water saving devices. I certify that if there are any tenants or other residents of the property other than the undersigned, I will provide them advance notice of the scheduled work.
I agree that I am responsible for ensuring that the property is in a safe and sanitary condition and that the necessary plumbing shall be accessible for workers to complete the repair of the water service line and/or installation of water saving devices.
I understand that if Pittsburgh Water determines that safe and sanitary conditions are not met, or that the plumbing is not accessible, repair and/or installation will not be done.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this water service line repair and/or installation of water saving devices process, please contact our PGH2O Cares team at 412-255-2457, Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or email us at
Thank you for working with us to reduce leaks that lead to unnecessary waste of water. We appreciate your patience and coordination as we perform this important work.