Clockwise from top left: Maryland Avenue, Woodland Road, Wightman Park Phase Two, Volunteers Field, Lawn and Ophelia, and Thomas and McPherson projects.

Our mission to protect public health and the environment also informs how we manage our region’s unique stormwater challenges. Throughout last year, we completed six stormwater projects in five Pittsburgh neighborhoods – helping to protect residents, our neighborhoods, and our rivers and streams from the impacts of too much rain.  

These projects use green solutions like permeable pavers, vegetation, rocky stream beds and underground storage to soak up, slow down and hold back stormwater before it enters our sewer system.  

Long-term Stormwater Strategic Planning 

Released in December 2022, our Stormwater Strategic Plan will build upon these efforts by using climate data, previous regional studies, community input, and best practices by our peer utilities to provide recommendations that consider equity, the environment, priority sites, and water quality. For the sake of transparency and inclusion, the plan was made available for public review and comment through the end of June 2023. PWSA is also hosting a variety of community workshops where PWSA customers, the Pittsburgh community, and stormwater stakeholders will have an opportunity to share ideas, ask questions, and provide input into our ongoing stormwater planning and implementation.  

PWSA also initiated its Wet Weather Plan – the second phase of our long-term planning, which you’ll hear more about over the next few years. One of its main goals is to improve water quality by reducing overflows into our waterways. When we are finished, the Wet Weather Plan will provide an actionable pathway to ensure a more resilient sewer system and water quality improvements that can bring about quality of life improvements, enhanced recreational activities along local waterways, and ecological benefits for fish and wildlife.